
How are the projects organized?
    It's a very international organization and network. The international office actually rotates from country to country. Each teacher regardless of the country they are in can initiate projects. All of the projects are initiated by teachers throughout the world and not just any single country. Teachers initiate the projects. They say this is what I'd like to do, in this curriculum area, with this output product and results, with this age group. We then create the means by which their projects can be seen by teachers throughout the world. Other teachers then around the world can evaluate the projects and see what fits with their own classroom needs and basically vote by their feet to join various projects and work then collaboratively. We create the space for that project to happen once there is a critical mass of teachers and students to want to work on the project. They are then responsible for seeing it from the beginning to the end including facilitation of the dialogue worldwide.

    The key point is the interactivity because students post their opinions and the results of their research. They get immediate feedback from other students worldwide so it really does become not just a giving. It's a real interactivity. It's a real giving and taking and expression of opinion and research. That one school also then plays the role of facilitating and bringing the project to a closure and producing a final product, which in our mind is a real key because it takes the learning out of the classroom and back into the community to parents and school administrators to demonstrate what really can be done with this technology in various curriculum areas.

How has I*EARN impacted your life as a teacher in Argentina, Adriana? How has it affected the lives of your students?

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